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Counseling Corner

Support and Resources


The Ryan Middle School Counselors are dedicated to supporting students in their academic, career, and social/personal development. To assist in these areas the counselors provide individual counseling, group counseling, and career exploration as well as helping students develop organizational skills for academic success.
The counselors are located between the Main Office and the Nurse’s Office. Students are encouraged to make appointments with the counselors when needed and parents/guardians are encouraged to call/make appointments when necessary.


Ryan Middle School is proud to use the Alaska Career Information System or AKCIS to set up career development profiles for all of its students.

Counselor's Contact Information:


Julie Held
(907) 452-4751 x13525

School Counselor (A-K)


Chao Zalewski

(907) 452-4751 x13526

School Counselor (L-Z)


Whether you're talking to the counselors about academics or social concerns your information will be kept confidential.

 Internet Safety

With increasing technology and rapidly developing programs, it can be tricky to keep up with it all. Students need to educate themselves about the safest ways to navigate the internet and social networks. The following sites are great resources to learn how to use the internet in a smart and safe way.